I just saw this characteristically brief post on Seth Godin’s blog celebrating the death of the “big event.”  He no longer sees the need for big annual sales events, big product launches, or other big marketing events that cater to mass  marketing.

To be honest, I’ve never been good at the “big events.”  I enjoy working booths at conferences, but that’s in spite of the big event, not because of it.  I love little conversations – the ones that lead to real relationships, real insight, and real communication.  The lectures, the over-the-top marketing promotions, and the drunken after hours parties could all go away, for all I care, as long as I can meet people I can actually sit down and talk to.

In fact, tomorrow morning I’m going over to meet Ron Jenkins of SMU Guildhall to catch up on his Indie Game Challenge project.  We initially met at a conference and just plan on catching a quick cup of coffee before the day begins.  No banners, no sales, just a quick sit down.  I’m really looking forward to seeing what he’s been doing in the last few months.

-Deborah Fike

P.S. I’ve been a big fan of Seth over the past few years.  I just got done reading his book Meatball Sundae.  He always advocates authenticity and loyal followers over marketing spin and a bajillion Twitter followers.  While his advice isn’t too specific (you’ll never see him advocate 34% year-over-year growth using traditional marketing techniques), he always makes me think and question my marketing approach, which makes me learn for myself.  Teach a person to fish and all that.

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